The Light of the World (Elizabeth Alexander)
Late Fragments (Kate Gross)
All, Books-on-Mortality, Memoirs, ReviewsTMAmemoir, end-of-life, terminal cancer, atheist, atheism, mortality, secular, non-religious
Tour of Bones (Denise Inge)
Wild (Cheryl Strayed)
The Last Lecture (Randy Pausch)
Dead Mom Walking (Rachel Matlow)
A Matter Of Death And Life (Irvin and Marilyn Yalom)
All, Books-on-Mortality, Reviews, MemoirsTMAmortality, mortality salience, death, dying, psychology, Irvin Yalom, Marilyn Yalom, memoir, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death
Wave (Sonali Deraniyagala)
All, Memoirs, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAtsunami, sri lanka, death, dying, mortality, grief, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death, bereavement
Body of Work (Christine Montross)
All, Memoirs, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAmedical school, anatomy, cadavers, dissection, medicine, secular, secular death, mortality, mortality salience, absurdity, atheist, atheism, death, dying, paradox, philosophy
When Breath Becomes Air (Paul Kalanithi)
All, Memoirs, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMApaul kalanithi, atheist, atheism, death, death anxiety, dying, terminal illness, terminal diagnosis, cancer, lung cancer, mortality, secular death
Nothing To Be Frightened Of (Julian Barnes)
All, Reviews, Memoirs, Books-on-MortalityTMAdeath, dying, death anxiety, existentialism, atheist, atheism, skeptic, secular, secular death, philosophy, mortality, mortal terror, mortality salience, Feb.2023 10 books for atheists
Gratitude (Oliver Sacks)
All, Memoirs, Books-on-MortalityTMAoliver sacks, memoir, gratitude, death, dying, mortality, death awareness, death positive, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death
Dying: A Memoir (Cory Taylor)
All, Memoirs, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAdeath, dying, memoir, atheist, atheism, secular, cancer, brain cancer, melanoma, mortality, Feb.2023 10 books for atheists
Becoming Earth (Eva Saulitis)
All, Memoirs, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAdeath, dying, death awareness, mortality, nature, wildernees, breast cancer
The Bright Hour (Nina Riggs)
Mortality (Christopher Hitchens)